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A placement test is also arranged as a trial lesson. It’s a good opportunity for students and teachers to get to know each other, the student’s English level is assessed, the teacher generates a report after the lesson, and the student and parents decide whether they would like to have regular classes with the teacher.

Prior to the PT, the teacher will have the student’s background information sent to them via email, including age, level, personality, and learning experience.

Based on the information, we suggest our teachers to have a plan or two ready before the lesson.

From the introduction with the student, teachers should have an idea of:

The introduction is also a good chance for teachers to build a strong connection with the   student, so they feel comfortable before reading

Plan A for beginners

Definition of Beginner:

Based on the information provided by parents, the student might be able to hold basic conversation using short sentences or one word answers. They might be able to read simple text.

With beginner students, we use the story titled Monkey Tricks as the lesson material. We start a “picture walk” after a short greeting. The “picture walk” questions may vary according to the initial greeting part. For example, if the student struggles telling their age or hobbies, then we should stick to basic questions, based around colors or animal names. If the student shows they are skilled at basic language, then we can ask some “Why?” questions.

Plan B for Movers

Definition of Movers

Based on the information provided by parents, the student might be able to hold a conversation using complete sentences, sometimes giving descriptive sentences, or sharing opinions.

With Movers, we use the story titled The Magic Key as the lesson material. We should avoid asking YES/NO questions, or questions like, ”What color is it?” Questions to test the student’s describing skills, prediction skills, as well as encouraging them to make connections to their life. For example: “What do you think is going to happen next? What would you do if you had the magic key?”

Plan A or Plan B?

Sometimes we can’t decide which would be the better plan before meeting the student. We should have two plans ready for the lesson. It’s never too late to make up your mind by having a short conversation with the student in the beginning.

Here are two example videos that might give you an idea on how you do it.

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